pcrcalc and Python operations¶
This chapter lists all operators and functions that can be used in a pcrcalc or Python modelling script.
- +
- -
- / or div
- *
- **
- abs
- accucapacityflux, accucapacitystate
- accuflux
- accufractionflux, accufractionstate
- accuthresholdflux, accuthresholdstate
- accutriggerflux, accutriggerstate
- accutraveltimestate, accutraveltimeflux, accutraveltimeremoved
- accutraveltimefractionstate, accutraveltimefractionflux, accutraveltimefractionremoved
- acos
- and, &, pcrand
- argorder,argorderwithid
- argorderaddarealimited,argorderwithidaddarealimited
- argorderarealimited,argorderwithidarealimited
- areaarea
- areaaverage
- areadiversity
- areamajority
- areamaximum
- areaminimum
- areanormal
- areaorder
- areatotal
- areauniform
- asin
- aspect
- atan
- boolean
- catchment
- catchmenttotal
- cellarea
- celllength
- clump
- cos
- cover
- defined
- directional
- downstream
- downstreamdist
- dynwavestate,dynwaveflux,lookuppotential,lookupstate
- dynamicwave
- eq or ==
- exp
- extentofview
- fac
- ge or >=
- gt or >
- horizontan
- idiv, //
- if then
- if then else
- influencesimplegauss
- inversedistance
- kinematic
- kinwavestate, kinwaveflux
- ldd
- lddcreate
- lddcreatedem
- ldddist
- lddmask
- lddrepair
- le or <=
- ln
- log10
- lookup
- lookuplinear
- lookupmapstack
- lt or <
- maparea
- mapmaximum
- mapminimum
- mapnormal
- maptotal
- mapuniform
- markwhilesumle,markwhilesumge
- max
- min
- mod, %
- ne or !=
- nodirection
- nominal
- normal
- not, ~, pcrnot
- or, |, pcror
- order
- ordinal
- path
- pit
- plancurv
- pred
- profcurv
- rounddown
- roundoff
- roundup
- scalar
- shift,shift0
- sin
- slope
- slopelength
- spatial
- spread
- spreadldd
- spreadlddzone
- spreadmax
- spreadmaxzone
- spreadzone
- sqr
- sqrt
- streamorder
- subcatchment
- succ
- tan
- time
- timeinput…
- timeinput
- timeinputmodulo
- timeinputsparse
- timeoutput
- timeslice
- transient
- uniform
- uniqueid
- upstream
- view
- window4total
- windowaverage
- windowdiversity
- windowhighpass
- windowmajority
- windowmaximum
- windowminimum
- windowtotal
- xcoordinate
- xor, ^, pcrxor
- ycoordinate