Result = ycoordinate(expression)
- expression
spatial, non spatial boolean
- Result
spatial scalar
or --unitcell
coordinates are expressed in true distance coordinates (default)
coordinates are expressed in unit cell lengths, where thenminimum y coordinate of a cell centre is 0.5 and the maximum y coordinate of a cell centre isny - 0.5, where y is the number of rows of cells.
assignment of coordinates
for each cell, the coordinate of the cell centre is assigned (default)
for each cell, the coordinate of the upper left corner is assigned
for each cell, the coordinate of the lower right corner is assigned
For each cell that has a value 1 (TRUE) on expression assigns the y coordinate of the cell to the cell on Result. Cells with a value 0 (FALSE) on expression are assigned a missing value.
A cell with a missing value on expression is assigned a missing value on Result.
This operation belongs to the group of Coordinates, unique ID’s
- • pcrcalc#! –coorcentrebindingResult = Result.map;Expr = Expr.map;initialreport Result = ycoordinate(Expr);• pythonsetglobaloption(“coorcentre”)Expr = readmap(“Expr.map”)Result = ycoordinate(Expr)