PCRaster 4.1.0 released

We are glad to announce the final release of PCRaster-4.1.0! We fixed several bugs in the software and documentation, added support for pickling PCRaster Python types, and changed the location of shared libraries on Windows. For more information please visit the download page.

PCRaster-4.1.0 test version released

We released a beta version of the upcoming PCRaster-4.1.0 release. The (user visible) changes are listed here: http://pcraster.geo.uu.nl/pcraster/4.1.0/doc/pcraster/changes.html PCRaster packages are available for:

We dropped support for Window 32 bit. If 32 bit Windows is still important for you, you can stick with the previous version of PCRaster (4.0.2). Please give this beta a spin if you have the chance. Note that since PCRaster 4, multiple versions of PCRaster can be installed side by side. You never have to uninstall a previous version if you prefer not to. Just install each new version next to the older one(s) and update the PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables. If things don't work for you, then please let us know, and revert the environment variables to their previous settings. In case no show-stopper bugs are found, we plan to release the final version of PCRaster-4.1.0 about two weeks from now.

Coupled field-agent modelling!

Merijn de Bakker joined our team as a PhD student. In his project he aims at the development of concepts for a domain specific language for integrated modelling of fields and agents. Ultimately we hope this will lead to a completely new modelling language in which models can be built containing both decision making agents and fields. Merijn will apply his concepts to an air pollution exposure case study in cooperation with our colleagues from the Healthy Urban Living research group at Utrecht University.

Human exposure to air pollution

In the context of the Healthy Urban Living programme we implemented a set of Land Use Regression models to determine the spatial distribution of several air pollution concentrations (e.g. NO2, NOx). These models cover the entire Netherlands at 5m resolution (the figure below shows the PM10 concentration). We combine these field-based concentration maps with human activity patterns, for instance to calculate the total exposure of individuals during their home-work travel. For more information join our presentation in the Air Pollution Modelling session next month at the EGU or contact us at info@pcraster.eu. PM10 concentration Netherlands

PCRaster-4.0.2 released

We are glad to announce the final release of PCRaster-4.0.2! We fixed several bugs and added some functional enhancements for the Modflow extension. For more information please read the changes document. Packages are available for 64-bit Linux as well as 64-bit and 32-bit Windows systems. For more information, visit the PCRaster 4.0.2 download page: Enjoy!

Virtual Globe: PCRaster web simulations of processes on the land surface

The PCRaster team, in particular Koko Alberti who recently joined our team, has developed prototype software to run PCRaster models as web simulations, at a very high (~90 m) resolution, for almost any location on earth! The current facility includes prototype models for sea level change, snow cover, and water erosion. The web simulations are available here (login required). For information and to request a login, please email info@pcraster.nl.