Quick start

Displaying attributes

An attribute that is stored in a single file can be displayed by simply specifying the file name on the command line (see section Program options). Basic commands for maps and time series are:

# Show a map.
aguila dem.map
# Show time series.
aguila rain.tss
# Show some maps and a time series.
aguila dem.map soil.map rain.tss

# Show a map in 2.5D.
aguila --drapeView dem.map

Each attribute is displayed in a separate window, here called a view (see section Views). To display multiple attributes in a single view insert a +-symbol between the names, with spaces surrounding the +-symbol.

# Multiple data items as drape.
aguila --drapeView dem.map + soil.map

Spatio-temporal attributes stored in the PCRaster raster format, is not stored in a single file but as a sequence of numbered rasters. This is true for most raster formats. To show such a spatio-temporal data set, two notations are allowed:

# Old style: show discharge and rainfall map stack.
aguila dis00000.001+36 rainfall.001+36

# New style: show discharge and rainfall map stack.
aguila --timesteps [1,36] dis rainfall

That is all information you need to display spatio-temporal raster attributes and timeseries. This manual will further instruct you how to create more sophisticated and combined views of data.

Required information

There are three types of information Aguila has to know about before it can visualise your data: 1) the name(s) of the attributes you want to visualise, 2) the dimensions of the attributes in which it is defined (see section Dimensions), and 3) the views you want to use.

Of course, the name of the data is required. Telling Aguila about the dimensions of the data may be required or not, depending on the data format (see Data formats). For each type of data there is a default view which may be fine or has to be chosen otherwise by configuring specific start up options. See Program options for information about using program options to pass information to Aguila.

Once Aguila has started visualising data it maintains links between data properties and the views, and between the views. For example, if two spatial data sets are visualised with 2D map views and in one of them the map shown is zoomed into, the other view will also zoom into the same area.

Program options

Aguila can be configured by passing it program options on the command line. For example, the command

aguila dem.map

starts Aguila with the name of a dataset to visualise. If Aguila can read the data it will show it in the default view. Type

aguila --help

for a list of all command line options supported.

Since typing long commands with a lot of options can be tedious, some program options can also be read from a configuration file. For example, the command

aguila --config settings.cfg

tells Aguila to look for program options in the file settings.cfg.

Aguila can also be started from an XML specification file, which allows for more fine grained control over the Aguila configuration:

aguila --xml settings.xml

See section Xml Startup Configuration for details.

Command line options and configuration file options can be used at the same time, so

aguila -f settings.cfg dem.map

starts Aguila with options on the command line and in a configuration file. Some options will be combined when given more than once and others will be overridden (this is documented in the tables below or obvious). When an option is overridden because it is given both on the command line and in a configuration file, the one on the command line is given precedence. One way to use configuration files is to put common options in them which can be used together with the command line (see also the examples below).

Some options take a range or a set of values as an argument. The syntax for a range of values is [first, last, step] where first is the first value, last is the last value and step is the interval between individual values between first and last. For example, the range [1,6,2] consists of the values 1, 3, 5 (note that 6 is not used in this case because 5 + step equals 7, which is considered outside the range). The step is optional and the default value is dependent on the kind of range values. The range of timesteps [1,6] consists of the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The syntax for a set of values is {value1, value2, ..., valuen}.


The range and set notations can lead to suprising effects when used in a Unix (or Cygwin) shell (eg: bash). If you use such a shell, you must escape the {, }, [ and ] characters, because these have special meaning to the shell interpreter. Or you may quote the whole argument:

aguila --scenarios \{a,b,c\} concentration
aguila --scenarios "{a, b, c}" concentration

When quoting the argument, you can use spaces between the values, otherwise you cannot.

Some options take the name of a data set as an argument. Aguila supports certain naming conventions which depend on the format the data is stored in. For example, a table stored in an ASCII column file is named by its filename, but the same table stored by a database management system might be named as myname(mypasswd)@mydbmsserver:mydatabase/mytable or just mydatabase/mytable. For more information about these naming conventions see section Data formats.

Command line options which can also occur in a configuration file must be named by the long option name, without the leading double dash. So, while -n and --scenarios are equivalent when used on the command line, only scenarios can be used in a configuration file. Furthermore, the value of an option given on the command line is put immediately after the option name or character, optionally separated by white space. In a configuration file the option name and value are separated by an equals sign, optionally surrounded by white space. See also section Examples.

Command line options



-f [ --config ] arg

Read options from the configuration file named arg.

-x [ --xml ] arg

Read options from the xml file named arg, see section Xml Startup Configuration.

-h [ --help ]

Show the command synopsis and exit.

-l [ --lock ] arg

Create a lock file named arg. If the file does not already exists it is created. When Aguila exits the file is deleted again. This can be useful if Aguila is started by another application which wants to be able to check whether Aguila is still running.


Show the software license and exit.

-v [ --version ]

Show the software version and exit.

-2 [ --mapView ] arg

Show attribute named arg in a 2D map view. arg can contain the names of more than one attribute. When the names of two attributes are separated by whitespace + whitespace, they are stacked on top of each other in the same view. Otherwise each attribute is visualised in its own view.

-3 [ --drapeView ] arg

Show attribute named arg in a 3D map view. arg can contain the names of more than one attribute. When the names of two attributes are separated by whitespace + whitespace, they are stacked on top of each other in the same view. Otherwise each attribute is visualised in its own view. The first attribute is used for the height values. This attribute must contain scalar values.

-t [ --timeGraphView ] arg

Show attribute named arg in a time graph view. arg can contain the names of more than one attribute. The optional selection specification in the attribute name must contain 2 column numbers of which the first one is regarded as the time step column and the second as the attribute column.

-p [ --probabilityGraphView ] arg

Show attribute named arg in a probability graph view. arg can contain the names of more than one attribute.

--valueOnly arg

Show attribute named arg only in the value cursor matrix. arg can contain the names of more than one data set.

Command line and configuration file options



-n [ --scenarios ] arg

Configures the scenario dimension using the set of scenarios in arg. Multiple scenarios options are merged into one scenario dimension.

-s [ --timesteps ] arg

Configures the time dimension using the range or set of time steps in arg. Time steps must be larger than 0. Multiple time steps options are merged into one time dimension.

-q [ --quantiles] arg

Configures the cumulative probability dimension using the range or set of quantiles in arg. Quantiles must be larger than 0 and smaller than 1. Multiple quantiles options are merged into one cumulative probability dimension.

--cursorValueMonitorFile arg

Tells Aguila to append an aguilaCursorValue element to the value monitor file named arg each time Save is pressed in the Cursor Value Window. On start up, arg is created with 0 aguilaCursorValue sub-elements. The file is written in XML conforming to the Aguila XML Schema.

-m [ --multi ] arg

When visualising scenarios of a spatial attribute, this option can be used to put all scenario’s side by side in one 2D map view. arg should be formatted as <number or rows>x<number of columns>, eg: 2x3.


These examples assume dem, ldd and erosion are valid names of raster attributes and discharge is a valid name of a time series attribute. These attributes are presented in a format supported by Aguila. Note that attributes in different formats can be combined.

2D raster

Visualise a raster in 2D. Default view for rasters is 2D map.

aguila dem

See also section Map view.

2D rasters on top of each other

Stack rasters on each other. Spaces around the +-sign.

aguila dem + ldd

See also section Map view.

2.5D raster draped

2.5D is also possible.

aguila -3 dem + ldd

See also section Drape View.

2D raster stack

Raster attribute might be temporal. dem00000.001+100 is deprecated. Separate the name of the dataset from the dimension information.

aguila --timesteps [1,100] dem

See also sections Map view, Time Graph View.

Time series

Visualise all time series in one time series plot.

aguila discharge

See also section Time Graph View.

Time series selection

Select some time series (the fifth and seventh columns) from discharge.

aguila discharge{1,5} + discharge{1,7}

See also section Time Graph View.

2D raster draped and time series

Combine rasters and time series data.

aguila dem + ldd discharge

See also sections Map view, Time Graph View.

Scenarios of temporal quantiles

Select some more dimensions. For each scenario one 2D map view of the median value of erosion.

aguila --scenarios {simple,complex} --quantiles [0.01,0.99] --timesteps [1,100] erosion

This example assumes that two erosion models where created, a simple one and a more complex one. Each of these models was used in a Monte Carlo analysis resulting in a distribution of erosion outcomes. For each timestep the distribution in erosion outcomes was summarised by a range of percentiles, for example the 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99 percentiles. Aguila starts by presenting the median value of erosion for each scenario as a 2D map view. Given this attribute it is possible to get a time series plot and a cumulative distribution plot for each location. All views can be animated. Aguila interpolates the data for percentiles that are not provided.

See also sections Map view, Time Graph View, Probability Graph View.

Environment variables

Aguila has support for many data set formats. While searching for data, Aguila tries each format driver in turn to see whether it is able to read the data. If you only use a fixed set of formats for your data sets, you can decrease startup time by limiting the number of potential data set formats Aguila considers. For this, define the environment variable called PCRASTER_DAL_FORMATS. Its contents should be a comma separated list of format names. Most of them correspond to the names used in the GDAL and OGR data I/O libraries used by Aguila (Data set types).




Although GDAL comes with a PCRaster driver built in, Aguila makes use of its own PCRaster driver and skips GDAL’s one. The name of the PCRaster raster format driver is CSF.

Unknown format names are skipped. If none of the format names are known, Aguila will use all formats it knows of.


Whenever Aguila is unable to read your attributes, make sure the setting of PCRASTER_DAL_FORMATS is not excluding a format driver required for reading the attribute.