Recharge (RCH) packageΒΆ

The RCH package specifies the areally distributed recharge. To enable the recharge package either use

mf.setRecharge(recharge, NRCHOP)


recharge [\(LT^-1\)]

is the name of a spatial, scalar PCRaster map containing the recharge flux and

NRCHOP [\(-\)]

is the recharge option code (1 - recharge is only to the top grid layer, 3 - recharge is applied to the highest active cell in each vertical column),

or to indicate the layer number where recharge is applied to use

mf.setIndicatedRecharge(recharge, layer)


recharge [\(LT^-1\)]

is the name of a spatial, scalar PCRaster map containing the recharge flux and

layer [\(-\)]

is the name of a spatial, nominal PCRaster map containing layer number variables defining the layer in each vertical column where recharge is applied.