Have a look at some publications on application and development of PCRaster:
Research projects using PCRaster
Schmitz, O., Beelen, R., Strak, M., Hoek, G., Soenario, I., Brunekreef, B., Vaartjes, I., Dijst, M. J., Grobbee, D. E., and Karssenberg, D. (2019). High resolution annual average air pollution concentration maps for the Netherlands. Scientific Data, 6:190035. Link.
Sutanudjaja, E. H., van Beek, R., Wanders, N., Wada, Y., Bosmans, J. H. C., Drost, N., van der Ent, R. J., de Graaf, I. E. M., Hoch, J. M., de Jong, K., Karssenberg, D., López López, P., Pessenteiner, S., Schmitz, O., Straatsma, M. W., Vannametee, E., Wisser, D., and Bierkens, M. F. P. (2018). PCR-GLOBWB 2: a 5 arcmin global hydrological and water resources model. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(6):2429–2453. Link.
Tekleab S., Uhlenbrook S., Savenije H.H.G., Mohamed Y., and Wenninger J. (2015). Modelling rainfall--runoff processes of the Chemoga and Jedeb meso-scale catchments in the Abay/Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60(11):2029--2046. Link.
Terink W., Lutz A.F., Simons G.W.H., Immerzeel W.W., and Droogers P. (2015). SPHY v2.0: Spatial Processes in HYdrology. Geoscientific Model Development, 8(7):2009--2034. Link.
De Graaf I.E.M., Sutanudjaja E.H., Van Beek L.P.H., and Bierkens M.F.P. (2015). A high-resolution global-scale groundwater model. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(2):823--837. Link.
Zhang J. and Chu X. (2015). Impact of DEM resolution on puddle characterization: Comparison of different surfaces and methods. Water (Switzerland), 7(5):2293--2313. Link.
Trambauer P., Maskey S., Werner M., Pappenberger F., Van Beek L.P.H., and Uhlenbrook S. (2014). Identification and simulation of space-time variability of past hydrological drought events in the Limpopo River basin, southern Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(8):2925--2942. Link.
Bui Y.T., Orange D., Visser S.M., Hoanh C.T., Laissus M., Poortinga A., Tran D.T., and Stroosnijder L. (2014). Lumped surface and sub-surface runoff for erosion modeling within a small hilly watershed in northern Vietnam. Hydrological Processes, 28(6):2961--2974. Link.
Van der Hilst F., Verstegen J.A., Zheliezna T., Drozdova O., and Faaij A.P.C. (2014). Integrated spatiotemporal modelling of bioenergy production potentials, agricultural land use, and related GHG balances; demonstrated for Ukraine. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 8(3):391--411. Link.
Lana-Renault N. and Karssenberg D. (2013). PyCatch: Component based hydrological catchment modelling. Cuadernos de Investigacion Geografica, 39(2):315--333.
Yossef N.C., Winsemius H., Weerts A., Van Beek R., and Bierkens M.F.P. (2013). Skill of a global seasonal streamflow forecasting system, relative roles of initial conditions and meteorological forcing. Water Resources Research, 49(8):4687--4699. Link.
Mai V.T., Hoanh C.T., Van Keulen H., and Hessel R. (2013). Spatial modelling for nitrogen leaching from intensive farming in red river delta of Vietnam. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, 10(3):51--61.
Zhang X., Hörmann G., Fohrer N., and Gao J. (2012b). Parameter calibration and uncertainty estimation of a simple rainfall-runoff model in two case studies. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(4):1061--1074. Link.
Zhang X., Hörmann G., Fohrer N., and Gao J. (2012a). Estimating the impacts and uncertainty of changing spatial input data resolutions on streamflow simulations in two basins. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(4):902--917. Link.
Owusu G. (2012). A GIS-based estimation of soil loss in the Densu basin in Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 20(2):41--51.
Zhao G., Hörmann G., Fohrer N., Kiesel J., Gao J., and Li H. (2012). Application of a nutrient model for sediment yield and phosphorus load estimation in an agricultural catchment in south China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21(7 A):1894--1904.
Vermaat J.E., Broekx S., B., v. E., Engelen G., Hellmann F., J.L., d. K., H., v. d. K., Maes J., Salomons W., and W., v. D. (2012). Nitrogen source apportionment for the catchment, estuary, and adjacent coastal waters of the river Scheldt. Ecology and Society, 17(2). Link.
Molinari M.E., Cannata M., Begueria S., and Ambrosi C. (2012). GIS-based Calibration of MassMov2D. Transactions in GIS, 16(2):215--231. Link.
Sperna Weiland F.C., Van Beek L.P.H., Kwadijk J.C.J., and Bierkens M.F.P. (2012). On the suitability of GCM runoff fields for river discharge modeling: A case study using model output from HadGEM2 and ECHAM5. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13(1):140--154. Link.
Zhao G.-J., Tian P., Mu X.-M., Gao J.-F., Li H.-P., and Zhang Z.-X. (2012). Estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus loads in the Xitiaoxi catchment using PCRaster software. Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science, 23(1):80--86.
Tian P., Zhao G., Li J., Gao J., and Zhang Z. (2012). Integration of monthly water balance modeling and nutrient load estimation in an agricultural catchment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 9(1):163--172. Link.
Verstegen J.A., Karssenberg D., Van der Hilst F., and Faaij A. (2012). Spatio-temporal uncertainty in Spatial Decision Support Systems: A case study of changing land availability for bioenergy crops in Mozambique. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36(1):30--42. Link.
Haest P.J., Broekx S., Van Der Kwast J., and Seuntjens P. (2011). Translating nitrogen emissions to loads in the aquatic ecosystem of the Scheldt basin. pages 2107--2113. Zhang X., Hörmann G., Gao J., and Fohrer N. (2011). Structural uncertainty assessment in a discharge simulation model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56(5):854--869.
Zhao G.J., Hörmann G., Fohrer N., Li H.P., Gao J.F., and Tian K. (2011). Development and application of a nitrogen simulation model in a data scarce catchment in South China. Agricultural Water Management, 98(4):619--631. Link.
Zhao G., Hörmann G., Fohrer N., Gao J., Li H., and Tian P. (2011). Application of a Simple Raster-Based Hydrological Model for Streamflow Prediction in a Humid Catchment with Polder Systems. Water Resources Management, 25(2):661--676. Link.
Lanuza R.L. and Paningbatan Jr. E.P. (2010). Validation and sensitivity analysis of catchment runoff and erosion simulation technology (CREST): A GIS-assisted soil erosion model at watershed level. volume 1, pages 117--125.
De Kok J.-L., Engelen G., and Maes J. (2010). Towards model component reuse for the design of simulation models - A case study for ICZM. volume 2, pages 1215--1222.
Weerts A.H., Schellekens J., and Sperna Weiland F. (2010). Real-time geospatial data handling and forecasting: Examples from Delft-FEWS forecasting platform/system. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 3(3):386--394. Link.
J.M., v. d. K., Younis J., and A.P.J., d. R. (2010). LISFLOOD: A GIS-based distributed model for river basin scale water balance and flood simulation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(2):189--212. Link.
Koscielny M., Cojean R., and Thénevin I. (2009). Debris flow hazards due to land use changes above source areas in torrent catchments: Case study of Les Arcs (Savoie, France). WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 124:161--170. Link.
Zhang X., Hörmann G., and Fohrer N. (2009). Hydrologic comparison between a lowland catchment (Kielstau, Germany) and a mountainous catchment (XitaoXi, China) using KIDS model in PCRaster. Advances in Geosciences, 21:125--130.
Beck H., Salvini G., Schellekens J., Bruijnzeel S., and De Jeu R. (2009). Hydrological impacts of land cover change in the Dragonja catchment (Slovenia). volume 7472. Link.
Beguería S., W. J. Van Asch Th., Malet J.-P., and Gröndahl S. (2009). A GIS-based numerical model for simulating the kinematics of mud and debris flows over complex terrain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 9(6):1897--1909.
Beskow S., Mello C.R., Norton L.D., Curi N., Viola M.R., and Avanzi J.C. (2009b). Soil erosion prediction in the Grande River Basin, Brazil using distributed modeling. Catena, 79(1):49--59. Link.
Sheikh V., Visser S., and Stroosnijder L. (2009). A simple model to predict soil moisture: Bridging Event and Continuous Hydrological (BEACH) modelling. Environmental Modelling and Software, 24(4):542--556. Link.
Durdu Ö.F. and Cvetkovic V. (2009). Modeling water and nutrients fluxes in the Büyük Menderes drainage basin, Turkey, volume 59. Link.
Van Der Kwast J. (2009). Quantification of top soil moisture patterns Evaluation of field methods, process-based modelling, remote sensing and an integrated approach. Number 381.
Beskow S., C.R., d. M., Coelho G., A.M., d. S., and Viola M.R. (2009a). Surface runoff in a watershed estimated by dynamic and distributed modeling. Revista Brasileira de Ciencia do Solo, 33(1):169--178.
Barreto-Neto A.A. and De Souza Filho C.R. (2008). Uncertainty coding on landuse and soil boundaries using fuzzy set. Geociencias, 27(1):43--51. Koscielny M. (2008). Impacts des aménagements en montagne sur les processus hydrologiques et l'évolution géodynamique des versants (Les Arcs, Savoie, France). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 67(4):585--595. Link.
Barreto-Neto A.A. and C.R., d. S. F. (2008). Application of fuzzy logic to the evaluation of runoff in a tropical watershed. Environmental Modelling and Software, 23(2):244--253. Link.
Karssenberg, D. and Bridge, J.S., 2008, A three-dimensional numerical model of sediment transport, erosion and deposition within a network of channel belts, floodplain and hill slope: extrinsic and intrinsic controls on floodplain dynamics and alluvial architecture. Sedimentology, 55, pp. 1717-1745, Link.
Burrough, P.A. (2008) Spatial data templates: combining simple models of physical processes with stochastic noise to yield stable, archetypal landforms. In Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to Prediction (ed. P. L. de Boer)
Hörmann G., Zhang X., and Fohrer N. (2007). Comparison of a simple and a spatially distributed hydrologic model for the simulation of a lowland catchment in Northern Germany. Ecological Modelling, 209(1):21--28. Link.
Wachter K. (2007). The rainfall-runoff-model lisflood. WasserWirtschaft, 97(11):27--31. Thonon I., K., d. J., M., v. d. P., and Middlekoop H. (2007). Modelling floodplain sedimentation using particle tracking. Hydrological Processes, 21(11):1402--1412. Link.
Mazzoleni S., Giannino F., Mulligan M., Heathfield D., Colandrea M., Nicolazzo M., and D'Aquino M. (2006). A new raster-based spatial modelling system: 5D environment. Thonon I., K., d. J., M., v. d. P., and Middelkoop H. (2006). Modelling floodplain sedimentation using particle tracking. Number 337.
Visser S.M., Sterk G., and Karssenberg D. (2005a). Modelling water erosion in the Sahel: Application of a physically based soil erosion model in a gentle sloping environment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 30(12):1547--1566. Link.
Visser S.M., Stroosnijder L., and Chardon W.J. (2005c). Nutrient losses by wind and water, measurements and modelling. Catena, 63(1):1--22. Link.
Kamphorst E.C., Chadœuf J., Jetten V., and Guérif J. (2005). Generating 3D soil surfaces from 2D height measurements to determine depression storage. Catena, 62(2-3):189--205. Link.
Darracq A., Greffe F., Hannerz F., Destouni G., and Cvetkovic V. (2005). Nutrient transport scenarios in a changing Stockholm and Mälaren valley region, Sweden, volume 51.
Visser S.M., Sterk G., and Karssenberg D. (2005b). Wind erosion modelling in a Sahelian environment. Environmental Modelling and Software, 20(1):69--84. Link.
Garška R. and Kruminiene I. (2004). Spatial analysis and prediction of Curonian lagoon data with Gstat. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 9(1):39--50. Schmidt J. and Dikau R. (2004). Modeling historical climate variability and slope stability. Geomorphology, 60(3-4):433--447. Link.
Svetlitchnyi A.A., Plotnitskiy S.V., and Stepovaya O.Y. (2003). Spatial distribution of soil moisture content within catchments and its modelling on the basis of topographic data. Journal of Hydrology, 277(1-2):50--60. Link.
Van Dam O. (2000). Modelling solar radiation, evapotranspiration and soil water dynamics in tropical rainforest logging gaps in Guyana. Environmental Studies, 4:289--298.
De Roo A.P.J., Wesseling C.G., and Van Deursen W.P.A. (2000). Physically based river basin modelling within a GIS: The LISFLOOD model. Hydrological Processes, 14(11-12):1981--1992.
Van Dijck, S. (2000). Effects of agricultural land use on surface runoff and erosion. Doctor’s dissertation, Utrecht University.
Van Der Perk M., Jetten V.G., Karssenberg D., He Q., Walling D.E., Laptev G.V., Voitsekhovitch O.V., Svetlichnyi A.A., Slavik O., Linnik V.G., Korobova E.M., Kivva S., and Zheleznyak M. (2000). Assessment of spatial redistribution of Chernobyl-derived radiocaesium within catchments using GIS-embedded models. IAHS-AISH Publication, (263):277--284.
Van Der Perk M., Burrough P.A., and Voigt G. (1998). GIS-based modelling to identify regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia affected by residues of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 61(1-3):85--90. Link.
Burrough, P.A. (1996). Opportunities and Limiations of GIS-Based Modeling of Solute Transport at the Regional Scale. Application of GIS to the Modeling of Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Vadose Zone, SSSA Special Publication 48.
De Roo, A.P.J., Wesseling, C.G. and C.J. Ritsema (1996). LISEM: a single-event physically based hydrological and soil erosion model for drainage basins. I: theory, input and output. Hydrological Processes, 10, 1107-1117.
De Roo A.D.P.J. (1996). LISEM: A physically-based hydrological and soil erosion model incorporated in a GIS. IAHS-AISH Publication, (235):395--403.
Van Deursen, W.P.A. and Kwadijk, J.C.J. (1993) RHINEFLOW: an integrated GIS water balance model for the river Rhine. Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management, HydroGIS 1993 (ed. by K. Kovar & H.P. Nachtnebel), IAHS Publication No. 211 pp. 507-518.
Van Deursen, W.P.A and Heil, G.W (1993). Analysis of heathland dynamics using a spatial distributed GIS model. Scripta Botanica 21:17-28.
PCRaster development projects
de Bakker, M.P., de Jong, K., Schmitz, O., Karssenberg, D., 2017. Design and demonstration of a data model to integrate agent-based and field-based modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 89:172-189, Link.
Schmitz, O., de Kok, J.-L and Karssenberg, D., 2016, A software framework for process flow execution of stochastic multi-scale integrated models. Ecological Informatics, 32: 124-133, Link.
Schmitz, O., Salvadore, E., Poelmans, L., van der Kwast, J., and Karssenberg, D., 2014, A framework to resolve spatio-temporal misalignment in component-based modelling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16(4): 850-871, Link.
Schmitz, O., Karssenberg, D., de Jong, K., de Kok, J.-L. and de Jong, S.M., 2013, Map algebra and model algebra for integrated model building, Environmental Modelling & Software 48, 113–128, Link.
Karssenberg, D., Schmitz, O., Salamon, P., De Jong, K. and Bierkens, M.F.P., 2010, A software framework for construction of process-based stochastic spatio-temporal models and data assimilation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 25(4), pp. 489-502, Link.
Schmitz, O., Karssenberg, D., van Deursen, W.P.A. and Wesseling, C.G., 2009, Linking external components to a spatio-temporal modelling framework: Coupling MODFLOW and PCRaster. Environmental Modelling & Software, 24(9), pp. 1088-1099, Link.
Karssenberg, D., De Jong, K. and Van der Kwast, J., 2007, Modelling landscape dynamics with Python. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21, pp. 483-495, Link.
Karssenberg, D. and De Jong, K., 2005, Dynamic environmental modelling in GIS: 1. Modelling in three spatial dimensions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19, pp. 559-579, Link.
Karssenberg, D. and De Jong, K., 2005, Dynamic environmental modelling in GIS: 2. Modelling error propagation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19, pp. 623-637, Link.
Karssenberg, D., 2002, The value of environmental modelling languages for building distributed hydrological models. Hydrological Processes, 16, pp. 2751-2766, Link.
Karssenberg, D., Burrough, P.A., Sluiter, R. and de Jong, K., 2001, The PCRaster software and course materials for teaching numerical modelling in the environmental sciences. Transactions in GIS, 5, pp. 99-110, Link.
Burrough, P.A. (1998). Dynamic Modelling and Geocomputation. In: Geocomputation: A Primer. Edited by P. A. Longley, S.M. Brooks, R. McDonnell, B. Macmillan. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Burrough, P.A., McDonnell, R.A. (1998). Principles of Geographical Information Systems
Oxford University Press, 333 pp. Wesseling, C.G., Karssenberg, D., van Deursen, W.P.A. and Burrough, P.A., 1996, Integrating dynamic environmental models in GIS: the development of a Dynamic Modelling language. Transactions in GIS, 1, pp. 40-48, Link.
Burrough, P.A., Karssenberg, D. and van Deursen, W.P.A., 2005, Environmental Modelling with PCRaster. In GIS, Spatial Analysis and Modeling, D.J. Maguire, M.F. Goodchild and M. Batty (Eds.), p. 480 (Redlands, California: ESRI), Link.
Van Deursen, W.P.A. (1995). Geographical Information Systems and Dynamic Models: development and application of a prototype spatial modelling language Doctor's dissertation, Utrecht University, NGS 190